Hosting a fundraiser?
Use for your in-person or virtual fundraising events!

Easily create and manage fundraising events from any device. Add basket raffles, cash raffles, door prizes, and more. Event participants can watch raffle drawings in realtime on your event's live raffle drawing page, and winners are notified automatically.
Accept convenient credit card and PayPal payments with industry leading security. All proceeds go directly to your organization's own PayPal/bank account.
Reporting and analytics show how much money is raised every step of the way, and which raffles/prizes are the most popular. You can share links directly to your event, as well as automatically generate flyers with event details and prize lists to promote your event.
Incentivize local merchants to donate prizes by listing them as sponsors and providing them will full page, in-app advertisements.
Next steps
To get started, Create an event

To see an example, View sample event

If you have any questions, or would like more information, email us at .